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New York New Jersey Offshore Wind Training
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Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ (SEIU 32BJ)

Training Facilities

The Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ (SEIU 32BJ) represents property service workers and offers extensive training programs to enhance workplace skills and career opportunities. Through its Training Fund, the union provides certifications in building maintenance, green practices, and energy efficiency, alongside advanced technical skill development in areas like HVAC systems, electrical work, and plumbing. Additionally, SEIU 32BJ offers safety and compliance training, including OSHA certifications, as well as leadership and advocacy courses to empower members in their professional and organizational roles. These training programs are highly relevant to the offshore wind industry, which requires a skilled, safety-conscious workforce. Certifications in technical skills, energy efficiency, and green practices align with the sector's needs for turbine installation, maintenance, and operation. Safety and compliance training ensure preparedness for offshore work environments, while leadership programs help workers navigate policy and organizational challenges in renewable energy projects. By equipping members with these transferable skills, SEIU 32BJ plays a vital role in supporting the growth and sustainability of the offshore wind industry.

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